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Julie Powell Dies at 49 – Julie & Julia

Julie Powell Dies – Julie & Julia Dies at 49



Julie &Amp; Julia Dies At 49

Julie Powell: Julie & Julia Dies at 49

Julie Powell passed away on October 26 at her home in Olivebridge, upstate New York. Julie Powell was a writer whose decision to spend a year cooking every recipe in Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” resulted in the popular food blog, The Julie/Julia Project, a movie starring Meryl Streep, and a new following for Mrs. Child in the final years of her life. She was 49.

Eric Powell, her husband, claimed that cardiac arrest was to blame.

Julie &Amp; Julia Dies At 49

Julie &Amp; Julia Dies At 49

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Ms. Powell’s funny and sharp descriptions of her problems in the kitchen moved a growing number of unhappy people in the modern world.

The Julie/Julia Project helped make home cooking on social media so popular that followers of Ina Garten, Thomas Keller, and Dorie Greenspan all did the same thing.

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Ms. Powell was an aspiring author who was employed in Lower Manhattan in 2002 in a low-level administrative position. She had no serious job possibilities as she approached 30. She described it as “one of those panicky, backed into a corner kind of moments” in an interview with The New York Times.

She decided to make every one of the 524 recipes in her mother’s well-used copy of Mrs. Child’s 1961 classic “Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1” in order to give structure to her days. As an untrained cook who lived in a small Long Island City loft, she found the trip to be very long, sweaty, and rough.

Long updates, punctuated by vodka gimlets, and entertaining profane tirades about the difficulties of finding ingredients, the minor disappointments of adult life, and the greater difficulties of finding purpose as a member of Generation X were written by her in a blog for that she dubbed the Julie/Julia Project.

Approximately 400,000 people visited the blog overall before the year was over, according to Salon, and several thousand of them were regular readers who followed the drama of whether Ms. Powell would actually finish in time.


Ms. Powell was able to communicate with readers through blogging in a novel manner and on a cutting-edge platform. In a 2009 interview, she stated, “We have a medium where we can write in the caustic things we used to merely say out loud to our pals.”

The posting of such comments coincided with a rise in public interest in food, cuisine, and chefs. As a bridge between the authority of food writers like Mrs. Child, James Beard, and M.F.K. Fisher and the approachability of Rachael Ray, Bobby Flay, and Nigella Lawson, Ms. Powell’s self-deprecating writing style was created.

Just a few weeks before Ms. Powell’s self-imposed deadline passed, interest in her project soared after Amanda Hesser, the website Food52’s founder and former Times reporter, wrote about it.

According to Ms. Hesser in an email, the Julie/Julia Project revolutionised culinary writing. She wrote, “I’d never read anyone like her. Her work was incredibly lively, often coarse, and delightfully unmoored from any one tradition.

Ms. Powell made professional food writers realise “they’d been trapped in the mud of uniformity” and encouraged other amateur food writers to start cooking their way through cookbooks, according to Ms. Hesser. The ability to write about food was made more accessible by the internet, and Julie was the pioneer of the new school.


She started her food blog, now known as Smitten Kitchen, in 2003, and the author Deb Perelman said of it: “She wrote about food in a wonderfully genuine way that sounded like people I knew. She made it clear that you could write about food in a real kitchen without attending culinary school or having much experience.

The blog was made into a book titled “Julie & Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, and One Tiny Apartment Kitchen” by Little, Brown & Company. Even though some critics said it lacked literary weight, the book went on to sell more than a million copies, mostly under the title of the paperback: “Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously.”

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